Note: This page describes the development version of GPSBabel. It may substantially differ from the latest released GPSBabel.

Comma separated values (csv)

This format can...

  • read and write waypoints

This format is derived from the xcsv format, so it has all of the same options as that format.

There are a billion variants of Comma Separated Value data. This is the one specifically that makes DeLorme S&A Deluxe 9™ happy. It's also a very simple program and useful for many other programs like spreadsheets, but contains only a very minimal information. For general purpose use, you'll probably be more happy with our universal csv (unicsv) format.

CSV is also the correct format for Lowrance MapCreate™, their commercial mapping program, or GDM6 (their free waypoint manager) for iFinder which is available at

On write, this format writes simple "latitude, longitude" pairs, but on read it will read anything supported by our human readable definition.

For something-separated data that has headers identifying the various fields, see our universal csv format.

Example 3.3. Example 'csv' file

35.97203, -87.13470, Mountain Bike Heaven by susy1313
36.09068, -86.67955, The Troll by a182pilot & Family
35.99627, -86.62012, Dive Bomber by JoGPS & family
36.03848, -86.64862, FOSTER by JoGPS & Family

that same data written in unicsv format would appear as:

1,35.972033,-87.134700,"GCEBB",0.0,"Mountain Bike Heaven by susy1313","geocache",""
2,36.090683,-86.679550,"GC1A37",0.0,"The Troll by a182pilot & Family","geocache",""
3,35.996267,-86.620117,"GC1C2B",0.0,"Dive Bomber by JoGPS & family","geocache",""
4,36.038483,-86.648617,"GC25A9",0.0,"FOSTER by JoGPS & Family","geocache",""