Note: This page describes an obsolete version of GPSBabel that may substantially differ from the current or development version.

? Character Separated Values (xcsv)

This format can...

  • read and write waypoints

This format is a very flexible module that can be used to read or write nearly any plain-text record-based waypoint file. This flexibility is achieved by combining this format with "style" files that describe the format of the waypoint files.

There are several formats built in to GPSBabel that use the underlying xcsv machinery. Each of those formats takes the same options as the xcsv format, with the obvious exception of the style option. Those formats are all based on style files that can be found in the "style" directory in the GPSBabel source distribution.

style option

Full path to XCSV style file.

This option specifies the style file that defines the records to be read on input or written on output. This is not a valid option for the various built-in xcsv-based styles; they have prebuilt style definitions.

For information on the format of xcsv style files, see Appendix C, GPSBabel XCSV Style Files.

snlen option

Max synthesized shortname length.

This option specifies the maximum allowable length for a short name on output. This option overrides the style file.

Valid values for this option are 0 (off) and 1 (on).

snwhite option

Allow whitespace synth. shortnames.

When this option is specified, GPSBabel will allow whitespace (spaces or tabs) in generated short names. This option overrides the style file.

Valid values for this option are 0 (off) and 1 (on).

snupper option

UPPERCASE synth. shortnames.

When this option is specified, GPSBabel will make all short names contain only UPPERCASE characters. This option overrides the style file.

Valid values for this option are 0 (off) and 1 (on).

snunique option

Make synth. shortnames unique.

When this option is specified, GPSBabel will ensure that all short names are unique within the output file. This option overrides the style file.

Valid values for this option are 0 (off) and 1 (on).

urlbase option

Basename prepended to URL on output.

This option specifies the base name to prepend to a URL on output. This might be useful if an input file contains URLs in a relative format and you need them to be in an absolute format.

prefer_shortnames option

Use shortname instead of description.

This option causes GPSBabel to use the short name of the waypoint instead of the description. This overrides the style file.

Valid values for this option are 0 (off) and 1 (on).

datum option

GPS datum (def. WGS 84).

This option specifies the GPS datum to be used on read or write. Valid values for this option are listed in Appendix A, Supported Datums.

utc option

Write timestamps with offset x to UTC time.